Hire Fare
Hire Fare Table
Fare CategoryTime-based Fare Additional Fare One Day Fare Additional Fare
4 hours minimum4 hours or 60 km 30 minutes or 7.5 km 8 hours or 120km 30 minutes or 7.5 km
Tokyo (including tax)¥23,243 ¥2,973〜 ¥40,832〜 ¥2,651〜
Osaka(including tax)¥24,222 ¥2,981〜 ¥45,485〜 ¥2,981〜
Based on the above fare structure, we will estimate the fare depending on the destination, distance, and time.
Fares are quoted included consumption tax (10%).
Fees for toll roads, bridges, round-trips, parking, etc. will be charged separately.
For hired cars, there is a surcharge depending on the type of car and driver.
Some high-class vehicles are subject to a 10% surcharge. The following surcharges apply to drivers
English-speaking driver (¥2,000 per hour / tax not included)
Chinese driver ((¥2,000 per hour / tax not included))
Accepted Payment Methods